The DVD CSS mess
I support the rights of myself and all individuals to take apart
and/or reverse-engineer anything we have paid for. We are free to
explore and understand the things in our world. It's called progress.
Do not sell me a locked box and expect me not to open it. If automakers
suddenly started selling cars with locked hoods that only the manufacturers
could open consumers would be outraged. This is the same thing.
The DVD and deCSS wars are not about pirating DVDs. Besides the
fact that DVDs can and are right now being duplicated without breaking
the CSS encryption, the people who first cracked the CSS code did
so only to watch movies on their Linux computers where no commercial
players were available.
That piracy is wrong goes without saying. I favor the type of solution
where media is cheap enough where those licensing the content make
their fortunes on volume, not overpriced, heavily pirated products.
DVD piracy is almost nonexistent because DVDs are generally priced
reasonably. Often, new release DVDs can be purchased for less than
the average cost of two movie tickets. This is how it should be.
Morality aside, consumers will buy DVDs rather than pirate them
if the cost of the DVD is less than the trouble of piracy.
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Sites with more information:
Home Recording Rights Coalition
2600's catalog
of DeCSS mirror sites
Voice Article about the deCSS case
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Dr. David Touretzky's
CSS Descrambler Gallery
of DIVX, DVD Copy Control (mirror)
A huge list of resources
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Stop the MPAA (mirror)
A copy of the original Stop the MPAA
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How CSS actually works
This is a mirrored copy of the analysis of the encryption routines
in the CSS system. Aside from the english parts and the astute conclusions,
I don't pretend to understand any of this document:
Cryptanalysis of Contents Scrambling System
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The CSS tarballs (mirrored)
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DeCSS source code
For a short time last year, the deCSS source was posted to,
there were 60,000+ downloads before noon. It was later removed.
The source is also available on T-shirts from Copyleft.
I haven't used these files and don't know what the difference between
them is.
The actual source code
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I do not endorse any criminal activity, nor do I believe any information
on this page constitutes a criminal act. This information is posted
for educational purposes and is excerpted as a discussion of my
personal views and opinions under USC Title 17, section 107 Fair
Use guidelines. I hope you'll do the same.
Fair Use
of Copyright
United States Code: Title 17, Section 107
Constitution of the United States
Joe Maller
April 28, 2000 (revised August 1, 2000)
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