
How to spell Hanukkah 2011

Hanukkah (חֲנֻכָּה) started at sundown on Tuesday, December 20th, 2011. This year’s data was collected the following morning.

  1. Hanukkah: 20,800,000 hits.
  2. Chanukah: 6,820,000 hits.
  3. Hannukah: 1,860,000 hits.
  4. Hanukah: 1,560,000 hits.
  5. Chanukkah: 568,000 hits.
  6. Chanuka: 388,000 hits.
  7. Hanukka: 375,000 hits.
  8. Channukah: 306,000 hits.
  9. Hanuka: 215,000 hits.
  10. Hannuka: 104,000 hits.
  11. Hannukkah: 97,400 hits.
  12. Chanukka: 72,300 hits.
  13. Channuka: 57,200 hits.
  14. Hannukka: 38,300 hits.
  15. Xanuka: 31,900 hits.
  16. Chanuqa: 27,700 hits.
  17. Channukka: 19,700 hits.
  18. Janukah: 14,200 hits.
  19. Janukkah: 12,700 hits.
  20. Channukkah: 8,530 hits.

Instead the spaghetti graph from previous years, I’ve switched to a stacked area chart. This shows total hits and gives a quick visual sense of how each spelling is distributed. Prettier AND more meaningful!

Bing was used to generate the numbers this year, collecting the data with the Bing API was fast and easy. Google is a mess, their search result counts are basically arbitrary, change constantly and are difficult to collect.

This year I’ve opened up the spreadsheet data through Google Docs. I’m not a spreadsheet guy or a statistician, if this could be done better let me know. Here’s the link: How to Spell Hanukkah Spreadsheet.

And finally for my mother, who insists on Chanukah, I’ve included a new “gelt” chart which breaks down the spellings by H vs. Ch:

Based on my original Sixteen Ways to Spell Hanukkah post from 2005. Updated in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.