Reasons I haven’t posted anything recently (in no particular order):
- Construction in two-thirds of our apartment for the past 2+ months. I seem to be co-contracting, co-constructing and co-suffering.
- Thinking a lot about the connectedness of information, or lack thereof. Knowledge doesn’t necessarily improve itself, corrections don’t always stick to the things they’re correcting. Will something ever thread weblogs into a cohesive timeline of information? This is sort of like the main construct of Hesse’s Magister Ludi: The Glass Bead Game, the essence of Hesse’s “game” is the connection of knowledge into threads and weavings showing the interconnectedness of all subjects. I’d settle for informational glue which gloms refutations and addendums onto original works. Too many people spend too much time reading subjects or ideas which have been disproved. I don’t have time for that and delving into an obsolete subject is deeply frustrating.
- Thinking a lot about politics. No intention of opening that can of worms here (or dealing with the inevitable aftermath)
- Good code is happening. One of my goals at WWDC was to pick up better programming practices, gleaning better working practices and methods from people who were formally trained or otherwise excelled in the art of programming. That happened. I’m working faster and smarter than ever before. Code’s now in CVS, my homemade “compiler” and other AppleScript tools are making working faster and easier.
- Things at the office keep breaking.
- I have to go out for coffee. A double-esspresso over ice at Starbucks (“iced dopio?, ugh.”) is $2.06. There are two starbucks within a five minute walk from my house. The coffee is dependable but uninspired. But I’m a junkie and need caffeine to make it through the afternoon.
- This site seems stale to me. I want to redo it, but I can’t spare the time right now. Also, the thinking about connecting information is complicating any ideas I have towards redesigning. Maybe I’ll figure out how to post from my phone, I’m getting good at T9Word entry and tend to have more disconnected thought snippets while I’m away from my computer.
- Blogging about blogging is boring. Just typing that out was boring. I don’t have time for boring.
- I’m red-lining the Stress-O-Meter, but in a good way, generally.
- Mostly, I’m just busy, fulfilled and exhausted. No shortage of ideas, just spending more time making things than talking about things I won’t make. Lots of big stuff stewing in back.