
UTF-8 and high ASCII don’t mix

Part of my FXScript compiler works by joining two code chunks with a shell script. Each chunk lives in its own file and contains one “high-ASCII” character, a © symbol in one, and a ’ (typographically correct apostrophe) in the other. Those are processed with sed and joined with a few additional strings via echo and cat.

For several hours I was stumped because one of the two characters would be garbled after passing through the script.

Finally I noticed that one source file was encoded as ASCII and the other was UTF-8. When both were set to UTF-8, everything worked.

The iconv command converts files between encodings. I used the following script to covert a directory of ISO-8859-1 Latin1 text files to UTF-8:

for f in *
    cp "$f" "$f.TMP"
    iconv -f LATIN1 -t UTF-8 "$f.TMP" > "$f"
rm *.TMP

Here’s a one-line version:

for f in *; do cp "$f" "$f.TMP"; iconv -f LATIN1 \
-t UTF-8 "$f.TMP" > "$f";  done; rm *.TMP

Just don’t run that more than once or it will re-convert already converted characters which isn’t pretty. Iconv doesn’t buffer data, so attempting to convert in place results in zero-length files. I moved the files first to keep Subversion from freaking out that the files were all new.

As much as it seems like something that should be detectable on the surface, 8-bit text encoding can’t be sniffed out.

It’s completely impossible to detect which of the 8-bit encodings is used without any further knowledge (for instance, of the language in use). …

If you need a formal proof of “undetectability”, here’s one: – valid ISO-8859-1 string is always completely valid ISO-8859-2 (or -4, -5) string (they occupy exactly the same spots 0xa1-0xff), e.g. you can never determine if some character not present in another set is actually used.

That’s the reason I couldn’t find a counterpart to iconv which would detect and return the encoding of a text file. An alternate solution would be to detect UTF-8 and not reconvert a file that’s already unicode, but I think I’m done with this for now.

For a beginning understanding of Unicode and text encoding, start with Joel Spolsky’s canonical article, The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!).

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